As you get older you expect that you might be challenged to some degree on things that you once took for granted. It might be harder to get out of bed and it also might be difficult to maintain an erection. As sad as it is to say this happens to many men and even in some instances it isn’t just because of old age.
What gets my kettle boiling is the fact that so many choose to just accept it rather than doing something about it. Help is readily available and since you can even buy dick pills online there’s no reason why you couldn’t still be fucking that hot tranny deep in her inviting ass.
It just feels like to me the moment there is a problem people just give up and that is a sad thing, more so when you know there are simple things that you can do to improve it. Before you take the path that is a failure, make sure that you think about it like a man first. Be open and honest to yourself and of course if you can do something about it don’t wait until the last minute to give it a try!